Trying Next.js and I like it

Whenever I start work on a new project, in this case, rebuilding, I like to try new things.

The current version of the site uses GatsbyJS, which I like a lot.

However, I started to think about rebuilding to fix some problems and complaints I have with the current version. To be transparent, a lot of these are around navigation. I decided to try Next.js.

After following the easy-to-understand introductory course on the site, I am impressed. Not only do I feel it takes less code, but so far, no plugins are needed.

This has always been a concern with GatsbyJS. You need a plugin to do anything beyond the basics. And that can get very annoying and complicated to debug.

I have nothing to share in public at this time, but I have decided to continue to build the site with Next.js to see not only how long it takes but just how much (manageable) code is needed to complete the task.

More on this in the future.